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R24LSDA05 Gilwern Residential - Uniformed Public Services

R24LSDA05 Gilwern Residential - Uniformed Public Services


Residential Visit to Gilwern Outdoor Activity Centre

Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services students have the opportunity to undertake a residential trip to South Wales.  The centre will run all  activities including gorge walking, canoeing, high ropes and raft building.   These activities are aimed at providing additional opportunties for students to meet the requirements of their 'Skills for Outdoor' and 'Teamwork and Leadership' Units. 

The cost of the residential is £270, which includes everything listed above.  This can be paid in full or in 2 instalments

Instalment 1 £135 to be paid by 8 October 2024. Instalment 2 £135 to be paid by 1 November 2024.  

Instalment 2 - Gilwern Residential
